Viewing social media for me can be a challenge. What about you?
Sometimes I love it and I love seeing what all my friends are doing. Every once in a while though, I see a post and there’s a small part of me that wishes I was doing what they were doing when they were doing it.
There are moments when I even begin to question if maybe I’m doing something wrong to not receive the same blessings or opportunities.
When those thoughts run through my head, I try and quickly remind myself that God has unique purposes for me and that’s the plan I want to engage in even if it means sometimes sitting on the sidelines.
If we get stuck by longing for someone else’s life, we will miss out on the joy we can experience today for the lives we are living. Even in the midst of difficulty, we experience blessing.
This weekend was hard because I was in a lot of pain in the midst of all that was going on, but I got to be with amazing people both those leading the conference and those attending who have a desire to serve others and are willing to walk in faith and become equipped.
From there in more pain, I got to watch my kids and their friends celebrate life together. I was blessed with small interactions with friends I’ve shared life with for a long time and new ones I hope to make.
May you enjoy the life you’ve given today as you pray for the dreams God has given for tomorrow. (Jeremiah 29:11).