It’s so easy for doubts to creep into our thoughts. After a week like we had in Texas last week, it’s easy to doubt that we will be prepared for the next challenge that faces us. Some of us personalize difficult experiences and we begin to doubt ourselves.
Sometimes we live with people who help us with that doubt by questioning or criticizing every decision. Or worse, they question our abilities, our talents and our capability.
We can overcome doubt with faith. First we place our faith in a God who is bigger than all of it. When our faith is placed in Him trusting in His promises, it changes our perspective because we see His perspective. If He can move mountains, He can work through us to solve the problems we face every day. He can help us see ourselves differently because with him working through us we are more than capable. We are conquerors Scripture says.
(Romana 8:37)
Do you see yourself as a conqueror? Or do you doubt yourself? I know it’s hard sometimes. I’ve struggled with the same weight loss and gain for almost a decade. I know the timing because it came about after the birth of my last child at 40. It’d be easy to buy into the lie that what has been will be.
I believe in a God that’s bigger than that. I believe it takes work, focus and feels often like it’s three steps forward and two steps back but I believe when we join with Him so much is possible.
Faith Vs. Doubt
What doubt(s) do you need to conquer today? That God‘s got your kids? Your marriage? Your finances?
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think we sit back and wait on God. I love what my sister @daring2hope said to one of her kids this week, “God directs a moving car.” I learned this idea when I taught Experiencing God groups. (Henry Blackaby).
When it comes to a situation or someone else, we can’t change anyone but the person we see every day in the mirror.
I experience many days where I feel like I barely have control over me. I struggle sometimes to get out of bed when my alarm goes off, to write when I have a deadline, and to choose healthy foods over ones that light up the pleasure centers in my brain. Doubt can make me feel like I’m losing at life. But I choose not to dwell on my doubts because I hate feeling defeated.
I quickly remind myself that the Holy Spirit is there when I turn to Him to guide, direct and empower me to conquer my doubt and believe in a God who can do more than I could ever hope or imagine. (Eph. 3:20)
I encourage you today to say out loud or to yourself statements of faith as you wake up, brush your teeth, eat a meal, clean a dish, walk though a doorway, start your car, or pick up your phone. Our brains need to be trained often.
If I can pray for you and a doubt you are struggling with, let me know.