If you have felt sad for a day or not wanted to do activities you used to enjoy for a short period of time, you may want to begin working on your mental health because these symptoms can lead to depression. Other symptoms include changes to sleeping eating and your overall mood. Many of my clients report they also begin to feel worthless and have lost hope that things can change.
Depression can occur when we don’t address the symptoms which are warning signs that something’s not working correctly in our minds, bodies, and souls. If you are struggling today, try to make a small change. Reach out to someone, pray because God cares and knows that hope deferred will make the heart sick (Proverbs 13:12), or maybe listen to an encouraging song, podcast, or sermon while taking just a short walk around the block. I talk about these and other strategies in the Counselor’s Corner of Make Up Your Mind.
I know what it’s like to feel stuck and how hard it is sometimes to rebuild the habits that once made you feel so much better. But today is a new day! if I can pray for you, feel free to send me a message or comment below.
Take note: The number of teens and kids struggling with depression is growing daily. Make sure you check up on them, and if you see changes in their behaviors for more than two weeks, please work with them to get them the help they need. The sooner the symptoms are addressed, the more quickly often they can be resolved.