I have been given an amazing task which I both love and in moments find very challenging. Accumulating photos of a loved ones life for a Celebration of Life slideshow allows you to really walk through their shoes in a very personal way. As I sat with my sister in law yesterday going through decades of photos reliving their past before I entered the family and then our past together, the experience was bittersweet. Laughing and learning as we celebrated the lives we lived, we all also had the sense that we were also looking at all we would lose as time passed. Memories of a husband, uncle, father, son, coworker and brother both by birth and in Christ.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words was never more applicable to me than it was in those moments. The other truth I acknowledge in my heart and resounds in my thoughts even this morning: through it all, God has been with us every step of the way. I know also as I’ve walked beside many families like ours in my office that this truth will become evident in tandem to the increasing pain of our loss that will also follow.